The historic Southland ski hut marks the start of Welcome Rock’s Roaring Lion loop trail. The views from this site are stunning looking across the Matarua Valley to the Eyre Mountains. This Department of Conservation historic ski hut sits beside the Nevis Road and offers shelter from the elements in preparation for starting your ride/walk/overnight adventure at Welcome Rock.
Just a short 8km uphill drive from Garston will get you to this site. Travelling in a 2WD vehicle during our season October – March is fine. A 4WD is required during the winter months.
Recreational skiing in the 1930’s was in its infancy in NZ but was gaining in popularity. The Southland section of the NZ Alpine Club visited Garston in June 1933 where, after climbing the hill, they had great excitement in being able to ski at relatively low altitude, after a few meetings the ski club was born.
Legend has it that a truck delivering the ski hut ended up inadvertently choosing the final site for the hut. With steam pouring from the engine, the 1917 Dennis truck crawled up the steep Nevis Road where is eventually broke down a couple of kms short of the ski field, and that was where the prefabricated hut was assembled.